
-bZ- Member
I am working on recruiting videos and videos of Banzore Gameplay in general. So if you are recording gamplay and would like it featured then shoot me a message here or email me your videos and I will work them into some of the projects.

Some Gameplay I would like to see:

Attack Helicopter

Scout Helicopter

Attack Jet

Stealth Jet



Squad Infantry

Or if you have Ideas for music for the videos please post a link of the song on youtube here so I can listen to it and look at the lyrics.
Let me know when, and I can do whatever. I can act!

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I will be looking for some actors I want to do some Spectating and have a combat drop on roof tops and beach assaults with a full RHIB boat
I think we can get a small server for cheap. Lock it down so there are no pubbers, and go to town.

Would be cool to set up some air strikes, cruise missile strikes, and just make everything go boom.

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Exactly. I want to make this awesome. Get some commander scenes with some voice over.