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Complaint Handled Complaint from AcidLysergicNZ about player being disconnected because high ping

Who are you reporting? being disconnected because high ping

Date of incident Apr 18, 2021

Which server were you on? Banzore PC HardCore

Describe the incident Hi there, not sure if thats the right place, im still having problem for being disconnected from the game because my ping... and i really want to play on the server, theres something we can do to avoid the kicks?
thank you


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
The current ping limit is set to 200ms. Servers 1-7 & 10 are based in the US, while 8 & 9 are in Europe. I recommend trying the servers that are closest to where you live to avoid these issues.
I tried and seems there's no hardcore servers on this side of the globe, on pc. Im just coming from xbox after six years playing b4f...
Can i be a exception :p
obs: normal mode is bs i prefer don't play
thank you


Christmas man
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
5/mo gives Vip and helps with this.
I’m vip already and got kicked last time I was playing, that’s why I asked here :p .. I will try and see if it will happen again.
I tried again just now and it’s says “you have been kicked by an admin.” Because my ping..
like I’m not complaining, just saying.. hopefully there’s a solution for my case.