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Complaint Handled Complaint from FluffMuffin94 about player 666Roland , DB4289


-bZ- Member
Who are you reporting? 666Roland , DB4289

Date of incident May 6, 2021

Which server were you on? bZ1

Describe the incident Must've sent 30 reports between 2-3 rounds.

These two refused to play unless both of them got in the attack heli together. If I got the pilot seat whoever was in it (usually 666Roland) would just do nothing, unless I got close to the ground. Then he would shoot the ground to damage our own heli. Naturally I didn't last for long, as I could not repair.

His friend taking a friendly jet in the meantime to jetram us.

If 666Roland got the pilot seat he would just afk in the base, or rather, behind it.


I started recording a little late, due to living in the belief that they wouldn't stay autistic for long.



-bZ- Member
It's not there. He was too slow in the deploy screen to get in, I guess.

Well, he did that one teamkill at this timestamp:

I got no more proof of the other guy than that.