I disagree. The "don't do anything bad and you have nothing to worry about" argument is music to a totalitarian government's ears. Let's take that argument to the extreme. An officer approaches your home, knocks on the door and tells you you're the lucky winner of a random search. They enter your home without consent and even though in your mind you are a law abiding citizen, they rack up a dozen minor misdemeanors because there are literally tens of thousands of laws you don't know you break on a daily basis.
Okay, so lets say you learned and follow each and every law on the books, including the hundreds added each year. You're perfectly okay with an officer entering your home whenever they want, search your home from top to bottom and leaves you with 2 days worth of cleaning up? Not me.
Sounds extreme, right! Identify a legal difference between these scenarios and that of digital privacy. I want to throat punch anyone who says "well, if you have nothing to hide, what does it matter?" It matters quite a fucking bit. Somehow people don't grasp the concept of liberty and privacy. Many people view them as just another way for bad people to hide shit. Fuck that. How about we stop trusting that our government has our best interests at heart and would love nothing more than to strip every freedom we've ever enjoyed under the guise of "keeping us safe from ourselves".