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Recent content by CR8Z

  1. CR8Z

    Figured it was time

  2. CR8Z

    Campers in vehicles...

    The rules in our servers have been refined over the last 11 years for this game alone. Voicing your opinion is fine, but realize that on the other side of that is a lot of experience admining this game. There's probably a reason, because I'm pretty sure we've had every discussion about every...
  3. CR8Z


  4. CR8Z

    Last one to post...WINS!

    posting it!
  5. CR8Z

    Make BF4 Great Again

    I think team-stacking is as old as online video games. I haven't seen in it in forums in a while, but then again, most folks don't have forums!
  6. CR8Z

    "My brother stole my BF4 account"

    My dog ate it!
  7. CR8Z

    Microsoft Copilot

    I use Windows 11 and it runs fine.
  8. CR8Z

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day ☘️

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!
  9. CR8Z

    No Politics!

    That's pretty black and white.
  10. CR8Z

    Permanent Bans for Map Glitches

    However you want to justify it...;)
  11. CR8Z

    Permanent Bans for Map Glitches

    It's pretty simple. We've always had one golden rule here at banzore. Don't be an asshole. If you're using a glitch, however you want to justify it, you're being an asshole and subject to being banzored.
  12. CR8Z

    HEYo! A full bulletin board like circa 2000??!

  13. CR8Z

    Mollys Hatchet 2

  14. CR8Z

    Banzore is shit

    Good luck in your future endeavors.
  15. CR8Z

    wow we been Ddosed to hell and back

    Have you seen this @neonardo1 ?