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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player BloodHawk29 and Jnco85_1

Who are you reporting? BloodHawk29 and Jnco85_1

Date of incident May 6, 2024

Which server were you on? #1

Describe the incident Stealing heli. I have this clip of him the second time but he also did it before to gun with his buddy. end of video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik2RqU-M4mw&ab_channel=Square


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
1D TempBan for Jnco85_1, though nothing will be done for BloodHawk29 as your video doesn't show them doing anything against the rules.
In the future, we'd also appreciate if you didn't say "enjoy your ban" etc, as it may not always end in a ban.