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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from RightButton about player (not sure, asking for video review)

Who are you reporting? (not sure, asking for video review)

Date of incident Feb 7, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ01

Describe the incident Possible team griefing. Will try to post a video below.
Jump the video to about 02:40
The names are visible on the video, but I'll let the moderators handle it as they seem fit.
I joined the match, hopped on the Transport Helicopter, and was hoping to make proper use of it, but someone decided taking it while I was still repairing, and it ended up leading to my death and to the helicopter being either lost or destroyed.
I probably should have made the report earlier, but I wasn't 100% sure at first, an I ended forgetting about it for a couple days.



Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
This is one of those grey areas. Under normal circumstances where you'd tell them to hop out, we'd punish for vehicle theft. However being that you told them not to destroy it and not that they need to get out, that could be seen as you allowing them to take it uncontested. The second pilot was none the wiser and died shortly after you to other means. In the future, it would be preferred if you told them to get out or to not steal your vehicle, so if they refuse, their intentions are irrefutable.