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Recent content by aleksandronix

  1. aleksandronix

    Complaint Handled Complaint from aleksandronix about player Donuts_Daddy

    Who are you reporting? Donuts_Daddy Date of incident Nov 21, 2023 Which server were you on? bz1 Describe the incident Int tk and nazi emblem https://youtu.be/G_mK8ONC8MM
  2. aleksandronix

    Complaint Handled Complaint from aleksandronix about player Kingpin-Ink

    Who are you reporting? Kingpin-Ink Date of incident Nov 18, 2023 Which server were you on? bz1 Describe the incident Int tk on a full transport helo. Knowingly detonated c4 that stuck onto. https://youtu.be/l6cGgKIsBGU
  3. aleksandronix

    Complaint Handled Complaint from aleksandronix about player butjacker

    Who are you reporting? butjacker Date of incident Nov 12, 2023 Which server were you on? bz1 Describe the incident Int tk, shooting own aa with a scout helo repeatedly. Only one clip of him shooting me but everytime he circled back I was being shot at. https://youtu.be/9iALWdyPc90...
  4. aleksandronix

    Complaint Handled Complaint from aleksandronix about player semibil

    Who are you reporting? semibil Date of incident Nov 11, 2023 Which server were you on? bz1 Describe the incident Shooting own helo with aa, griefing. Camping in base and not even shooting out so also trolling. https://youtu.be/QJam6B6BIqs https://youtu.be/eJGM-1ARAXE
  5. aleksandronix

    Complaint Handled Complaint from aleksandronix about player Destroyt5

    Who are you reporting? Destroyt5 Date of incident Nov 11, 2023 Which server were you on? bz1 Describe the incident Griefing, tking, being stupid. A lot of people were reporting him during that round. https://youtu.be/Dj6hoyxyv8I https://youtu.be/4-RFCOzKmmk
  6. aleksandronix

    Complaint Handled Complaint from aleksandronix about player das89asd89asduia

    Who are you reporting? das89asd89asduia Date of incident Oct 8, 2023 Which server were you on? bz1 Describe the incident Das always camps helo, I got it 1st. He was shooting all the time to annoy me, once I landed Tk'd
  7. aleksandronix

    Complaint Handled Complaint from aleksandronix about player jorwell101

    Since when common sense is not something common people thing?
  8. aleksandronix

    Complaint Handled Complaint from aleksandronix about player jorwell101

    Not so common... I asked a couple of players today and they all agreed they still consider it a veh steal.
  9. aleksandronix

    Complaint Handled Complaint from aleksandronix about player jorwell101

    Can I get that added into the rules then? Cuz as it stands rn, I see no mention of exceptions to vehicle steals. You know. To avoid "misunderstandings".