G G GodsOwnLunatics Oct 3, 2016 I have a cell recording of how Religion speaks for Freedom and I have my mothers word on how she feels about, Freedom
I have a cell recording of how Religion speaks for Freedom and I have my mothers word on how she feels about, Freedom
G G GodsOwnLunatics Oct 3, 2016 This server Is Yours to do with as you Please. The information as how it works, again. No obligation. Keep it, drop it, shut it down... It's yours. After Last night, I owe you at least this much
This server Is Yours to do with as you Please. The information as how it works, again. No obligation. Keep it, drop it, shut it down... It's yours. After Last night, I owe you at least this much
G G GodsOwnLunatics Oct 3, 2016 Can you tell me how to change the server setting so that its [Private] Official Ranked UnRanked *Private* http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/106f4ed1-4287-4950-a4dd-f805c097064a/Recovery-Server-for-P-T-S-D-WE-can-BEAT-THIS/#live Contact me on your server, after I config my stick, as to how you would like me to hand this over to you
Can you tell me how to change the server setting so that its [Private] Official Ranked UnRanked *Private* http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/106f4ed1-4287-4950-a4dd-f805c097064a/Recovery-Server-for-P-T-S-D-WE-can-BEAT-THIS/#live Contact me on your server, after I config my stick, as to how you would like me to hand this over to you