I literally only went in there because I haven't played HC rush on an NA server in over 2 years ever since bZ7 died. EGL is the only other option and I get 100+ ping to that.
If you don't want me on that server, that's fine, I either won't or will barely play on it. We also lost the game...
In-game Name PuppetFoam
Have you cheated before? No
What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? Banned for killing too many people per minute.
Why should we lift your ban? Will buy VIP again to bypass the filter to avoid this happening.
Kick reason (from Battlelog) KPM...
Didn't even realize there were 2 whole pages of your all caps schizo comments lmfao. Get some fucking help dude, seriously.
For the sake of the server, you need a mute.
Let the numbers do the talking. This is not a romance novel, it's non-fiction lmao. I already knew I lived in your head, but the fact that you're so triggered that you'll whine on the forums about a game...
Don't mind him, he's just upset because he's shit individually and can't perform outside of a team stack. He got stomped on Zavod and now's he's whining about it hours later on the forums. Pathetic really.
I wouldn't have any problem whatsoever if the way certain people play wasn't actively killing off a certain server well before it should die. I'll say it again... putting level 50s in base game after game for hours on end isn't sustainable.
Playing your own game is totally fine, except when it...