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Recent content by mat9ball

  1. M

    Team Killer Ban

    yeah for sure, no biggie this took on a life of its own. have fun guys :)
  2. M

    Team Killer Ban

    Whats up kids, been away working my ass off just started playing again after months. New stuff looks sweet. No idea what you guys are talking about, not saying the rules are dumb saying the newbs trying to bunny hop through fire are morons it's always been an instant kill. I wasn't throwing...
  3. M

    Team Killer Ban

    Getting kicked constantly with idiots running through the incendiary nades. NEWBS! need to be more careful! [not admins guys, newbs just getting caught up on this thread lol, been crunching at my company]. I know the TK ban is automated no issue with that, its when I go out of my way to throw...
  4. M

    Dude only a few more days to go. I'm right there with you Im pretty tired of shooting ghost all day.

    Dude only a few more days to go. I'm right there with you Im pretty tired of shooting ghost all day.
  5. M

    Team Kill Ban?

    Hey guys, Sorry tried to log into TS but dont have chat privileges and I dont think anyone could hear me. Can I get my tk ban lifted thanks :)  
  6. M

    Intentional TK'r Pissed I kept winning rounds

    Yeah will do I'll have to download TS and start reporting ppl for sure 
  7. M

    intentional tking is getting out of control

    Hey guys, I usually dont come and complain, if ever but we have intentional tkers on the server on a regular basis. I just spend the end of a round getting tk'd by theboston so he could win the round while we were trying to hold B and push for C in locker.  He did the entire last 5-7 minutes...
  8. M

    Team Kill Ban?

    They cleared it up in TS thanks my man !!! 
  9. M

    Team Kill Ban?

    I can stop staring at the animated booty gif!!! so lovely ummmmm. Hey I just got a tk ban when I got shot throwing a nade and it tk'd everyone in the area lol. can I get it revoked please :(  
  10. M

    Intentional TK'r Pissed I kept winning rounds

    N4nails guy kept killing me for no reason and being a moron because they were losing. 
  11. M

    Team Kill Ban?

    Thanks Jackson !!
  12. M

    Team Kill Ban?

    How long does the accidental TK ban last? Also I keep getting totally random kicked messages since the last patch. While literally running in the open, by no one and pooof you've been kicked for too many tks. Anyone else? Can you guys unban me please lol :)  