Recent content by mauirixxx

  1. mauirixxx

    UCAV vs Choppers montage #20 lol

  2. mauirixxx

    UCAV vs Choppers montage #20 lol

    is that a good thing or bad thing hahaha
  3. mauirixxx

    UCAV vs Choppers montage #20 lol

    From January 1st until the 27th, these were all the choppers I managed to take down :cool: 13 minutes and 36 seconds worth lol ... missed being 1337 by 1 second, story of my life haha Enjoy!
  4. mauirixxx

    Hardcore UCAV vs Choppers (mostly lol)

    If other folks don't start posting more stuff here I have enough clips to make this the mauirixxx media forum I don't play hardcore very often as it's not my cup of tea as it were, but I still have fun with it.
  5. mauirixxx

    Panda Master 777: A Guide to the Ultimate Online Slot Game

    i thought it was fairly obvious which you are. got me some chicken nugs and a drink and im ready to party lets goooooooooooooooooooo
  6. mauirixxx

    Panda Master 777: A Guide to the Ultimate Online Slot Game

    how slutty we talking? i got $4 earmarked for lunch, but now I gotta know what I can get for $2 so I can still get a drink after ...
  7. mauirixxx

    Panda Master 777: A Guide to the Ultimate Online Slot Game

    so hot women in my area gets nuked but gambling is allowed? I'd rather have the hot sluts :p
  8. mauirixxx

    first encounter with gfy and the bz chuds

    was gonna ask how old this video is, I spy more than a few names that don't play any more :oops:
  9. mauirixxx

    No such thing as too many UCAV vs Choppers videos, right?

    yeah I try to get JUUUUST above OR next to the pilot, close enough without actually hitting, as much as possible. If you ram the chopper, you'll just hit for 20 damage, and while you'll hurt the crew, it's never enough to kill them. So get close, and manually detonate, and that *should* net you...
  10. mauirixxx

    No such thing as too many UCAV vs Choppers videos, right?

    I have over 600 UCAV vs chopper clips, from this year ALONE. More than I know what to do with - and that's what's left over after I made these montages this year. The Freebird video used 108 clips alone! In any case, Here's yet another UCAV vs Choppers montage, all because I was driving on down...
  11. mauirixxx

    UCAV vs Chopper, Freebird edition

    Ty doc ❤️
  12. mauirixxx

    UCAV vs Chopper, Freebird edition

    Oh good. It wouldn’t let me view it via the forum, a lot of my older videos won’t play now UNLESS you watch them via YouTubes website. And thank you ❤️
  13. mauirixxx

    UCAV vs Chopper, Freebird edition

    sadly, you're being forced to go to YouTube because YT is being tyrannical with letting music be played via YT links outside of YT ugh
  14. mauirixxx

    UCAV vs Chopper, Freebird edition

    Just 108 choppers getting smacked around lol I know y'all love to see it ... and hear it :cool: