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Recent content by MorroM

  1. M

    Seeders platoon

    Yup it is I also friend a lot of regulars as well to help build that base of players. Keep the work going, tell the regular about it.
  2. M

    Seeders platoon

    bz is the clan platoon Seeders is a community of people who want to play on HC custom servers
  3. M

    Seeders platoon

    I created the seeders platoon as part of the server rejuvenation project for bf1, its designed to help people connect and fill servers. Please join and pass the word on to our regulars, if you have any more ideas or questions pass them along. MorroM
  4. M

    Spring update patch notes

    Well if they set the server with the right settings and give admin to people are active in the game I think things cold get going again.
  5. M

    Spring update patch notes

    https://www.battlefield.com/news/update-notes/spring-update MorroM
  6. M

    Why are your servers empty lately????

    There is nothing wrong with BF1 and far from dead, its a great game. I think its DICES best in a long time, its only fault is how they are handling their communities.
  7. M

    BIG Sping up date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The high light for me and there are many, you can now set the number of people you need to start the server. Reduction from 20 people to 6! Lots of good news giver a watch. MorroM
  8. M

    Spring update.

    Word is there will be a new patch with in the net couple of weeks, bring the spring patch. After that DICE will be switching to a monthly patch cycle doing away with the seasonal cycle we have right now. Lots of interesting changes are coming. See you on the field. MorroM
  9. M

    Info regaurding the new Russian dlc and future patchs.

    Give er a watch MorroM
  10. M

    BF1 netcode Analysis

    Really good stuff, worth the watch. MorroM
  11. M

    I am ready for the DLC

    Man am I ever ready for some new content! Who is with me! See you on the field!
  12. M

    Hacker Report on BF1 Banzore server - Lost_Teknique

    not sure what I am supposed to be seeing here, if he is cheating he still isn't very good.
  13. M

    Winter patch details, a la video format! Drop date 14 Feb 17

    BF1 Winter Update weapon changes in a spread https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XwYhgO5Or7qNWsjqnk7I72OH0eEK6E7nA6tTLyt-5oU/edit