Recent content by T4gUr1t

  1. T4gUr1t

    What do you do?

    Laugh hilariously as I kill it with FIRE!!!!!!!!
  2. T4gUr1t


  3. T4gUr1t

    BF4 Server - Admins

    You didn't finish your statement. it's supposed to go "-bZ-Outlaw is the name, being gay is the Game!"
  4. T4gUr1t

    BF4 and Teamspeak

    All are welcome into our Teamspeak. I believe both the Locker/Metro and the All Maps servers are located in Atlanta, Ga.
  5. T4gUr1t

    BF2 is $5 on origin

    Yea, All Battlefield games are on sale including BF4. If you dont have BF4 and premium it is on sale for $80.00 right now.
  6. T4gUr1t


    So here is a Video of me in an Attrition Match (Team Deathmatch). I did pretty bad though there is a Scene where I go 3v1 in my Titan and kill both Titans and the Pilot that tried to "Rodeo" me. I have gotten a lot better at piloting a Titan.
  7. T4gUr1t


    It just happened to be a good game and I had a decent team with me. I will try to get some decent footage of an Attrition Match (Team Deathmatch) with more Titan combat.
  8. T4gUr1t


    -For Jackson- TL:DR - if COD isn't your game then don't waste your money on this. -For everyone else- So last night I got an invite to the Titanfall Beta. I decided to record some of my game play. Below is a video of me playing a game mode called "Hardpoint" pretty much is Conquest for...
  9. T4gUr1t

    BF4 - Second Assault Battlepack Awarded

    IDK, what the issue is Xbox has had second assault since launch and they have yet to "flip the switch" for PC and PlayStation. It is seriously getting ridiculous.
  10. T4gUr1t

    WOT (World of Tanks)

    I am down for tank night on Sundays
  11. T4gUr1t

    WOT (World of Tanks)

    The biggest and the most difficult thing to learn and remember is all the tanks weak points. A lot of times esp. in the higher tier matches you may not penetrate the enemy armor because you are hitting it in its strongest spot or it is sloped armor.
  12. T4gUr1t

    I found Jackson on Youtube

    So for almost two weeks Jackson has randomly been singing Wrecking Ball....This is the result of Jackson + Alcohol + webcam
  13. T4gUr1t

    BF4 Player Appreciation Month!!!!!
  14. T4gUr1t

    Jackson ready for the Snow in Georgia

    Jackson all bundled up for the Georgia'a first real snow of this winter
  15. T4gUr1t

    Rust ???????

    I have been playing this game quite a bit since I got it and it is really fun for an Alpha. There is always something to do whether it is build a base, gathering materials, chasing airdrops, or even raiding another players base/raiding towns. This game has a lot of potential Rust started off as...