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  1. -bZ-LongTrang1

    The Game Police

    The outrage! The horror! The injustice when someone plays their role they way they should! Someone needs to call their DEI Officer to complain! :eek:
  2. -bZ-LongTrang1

    BF4 Server Rules (2020)

    My most evil thing to do is to drop mines/C4 behind an enemy tank/LAV/AA and then use the 44 pistol to set them off and get the kill. The dumbass sees that he got killed by a 44 and wastes the rest of the round accusing me of hacking. It's like a bonus. Good times. :cool:
  3. -bZ-LongTrang1

    The Game Police

    Aaaaaand we have a newly sworn member of The Game Police. Likamahcocka In regard to his outstanding contributions to Controlling Other People in this topic: https://banzore.com/forums/threads/bf4-server-rules-2020.6732/page-11 In particular: "Mortars should not be allowed to be used from...
  4. -bZ-LongTrang1

    BF4 Server Rules (2020)

    If there's a whole squad playing mortar then that's an easy target for your MAV. Or return fire and get some easy kills on a cluster of mortar dudes. And if the enemy commander is spotting for his mortars? Fuckin Hell, son...that means he's a good commander!!! Get with the program or...
  5. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Meme channel

  6. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Meme channel

  7. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Meme channel

  8. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Meme channel

  9. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Meme channel

  10. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Meme channel

  11. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Meme channel

  12. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Meme channel

  13. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Meme channel

  14. -bZ-LongTrang1

    BF4 Server Rules (2020)

    No way to counter mortars? You've never played the MAV? Or shelled a mortar with another mortar? Also, using the mortar takes skill. Especially when trying to predict where a moving target is headed. That takes knowledge of the map and the skill to understand how long it takes a shell to...
  15. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Tighter Ping Restriction and Proper Tickrate

    I agree. But for some reason people always object when I say this at work. :cool:
  16. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Tighter Ping Restriction and Proper Tickrate

    Yup. That old 2400 baud modem isn't going to cut it!
  17. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Meme channel

  18. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Tighter Ping Restriction and Proper Tickrate

    200 is a good limit just because we have domestic players who connect on DSL. Myself I have fabulous bandwidth but my work computer's VPN sometimes fucks things up and I end up deciding between playing BF4 or working. Amazing how that never quite works out in favor of my job. :cool:
  19. -bZ-LongTrang1

    Shoutout to the regulars

    I love to assist when the enemy has ZERO flags and is getting owned in their base. Like on Metro or Locker in particular. There's something about a lost cause that just makes my heart beat a little faster. :)