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  1. Dots

    for billyb

    Lol as an IT guy this was both a giant Fuck You and hilarious at the same time.
  2. Dots

    Store items

    Who's the faggot in the pic?
  3. Dots

    I love you

    Ahhhh, a good ole warm bZ welcome. Just in time for Vday too!
  4. Dots


    Konnichiwa   o/ Welcome to the club.
  5. Dots

    Steam Sale - SquareEnix

    I don't think 9 was converted to Steam. I play it on my PC using emulators. Not all the FF games have been ported. For some reason they're avoiding porting 9 over... yet they had no problem with 7,8,10,13,13-2... bastards
  6. Dots

    Steam Sale - SquareEnix

    7 was the turning point for RPG's and made that genre relevant, so it's considered the "best" by typical gamers. 9 is considered the most polished for story/gameplay/etc. 8 is good as well, minus the story pissing some people off because a certain event happens that I won't spoil. If you want to...
  7. Dots

    Insanity test

    51.70454545454546%... Oooookay then.  Edit...just realized what I have in my sig quote and this score -_- fml
  8. Dots

    Why was I kicked from the server for no reason?

    You can get kicked for a ton of things in online gaming... And not every kick is done by an admin/player. Add more details like Jackson mentioned above. Time/Date/Server/IGN
  9. Dots


    Guess it's a good thing I purged all that data from my drives not too long ago :o On a serious note, I imagine something similar to the above mentioned proposals will "eventually" make it through due to the collective stupidity of our society. However, that's not likely to happen just yet. In...
  10. Dots

    Mistakes were made!

    Benjamin approves
  11. Dots

    Banzore game site is great

    Don't overclock unless you know what you're doing. And assuming you know what you're doing, run a test blend for 12 hours straight MINIMUM before using that preset consistently. 24 hour blend test is better though. I'm running 4.8 on my i7 3770k :D
  12. Dots

    Banzore game site is great

    Get yourself a cheap (5-10$) Logitech headset from Best Buy or something. Reliable and clear. Not the best for gaming quality, but they do well enough anyways.
  13. Dots

    Banzore game site is great

    Someone say techie? :P
  14. Dots

    It's Friday

    Watching football and not giving a shit about anything else :P
  15. Dots

    New Teamspeak

    Makes me want to club a baby seal
  16. Dots

    camo rifle

  17. Dots


    Shits messed up when Wally World starts jackin up prices.
  18. Dots

    BF4 - New Final Stand Trailer

  19. Dots

    Word Association Thread!!!!!!1!!

  20. Dots

    Enforce your own rules

    One persons actions reflect on the rest from outside perspectives. So I'd imagine most do when in unfavorable situations. It is the internet and gaming after all... I just ignore them though.