He is not "sabotaging his team", as it is meant in context. I can see why someone might see it like that, it has everything to do with attacking teammates. You're being ridiculous.
This is worse than the video that you posted about Serlousalot, where you died in spawn from an incendiary grenade...
That is not griefing. And they won. It was not an intent to cause the enemy to lose, he was doing it because it was hilarious. I would be surprised if Topher told you do something like this: it's retarded and you need to get a life.
Oh this is easy to explain:
1) you don't have a life
2) you farm with the lmg
3) you sit on the rear flags defending them so you can retreat into spawn.
4) you join the team and games you know will give you the win. We've seen this every time with you, long before I called you out and you...
Oh, and this is false. You were up top where you could hit me and I couldn't hit you. You're hardly on the offensive, so you wouldn't know....seitch positions and see what I'm talking about.
This is false. My report history is full of wins and losses and the main page is glitched as it only shows losses. And yes, I have quit when I win also. The problem with you is not only your obsession, but you don't know enough to be conclusive about much of what you're saying. Please don't...
That chat is telling on you lol you will join and quit based on when I join and quit and many of us have seen you do it. That is me trolling you lol
The kills per minute would be higher if players like you didn't always run and hide in spawn. I know you think you're being successful in...
But not as good as hacking in the first place, right? Else you wouldn't have done it.
Now you come here to try deceive us with your "confession" about cheating on some accounts but not others. There were times you were doing terrible, so maybe you're telling the truth somewhat. Still, the only...
Lol, I love the free space in your head where I live. It brings me closer to your mom.
I destroy you in-game and you think I must be hacking...makes me wonder if you're the one actually hacking and yet stillsucking.