Hi glad you asked for a review. After careful consideration I must agree your lack of adherence to our rules makes you a detriment to our server. Your review is now complete. Unfortunately the ban stands. As for the comment about a "power-mad" admin, Hawx is far from power mad. He just doesn't...
not other servers but all maps at least 4 - 5 days a week twice a day sometimes during map change. it says handshake error after it crashes. we need to get this figured out. any ideas?
To all of you, whomever you May be, merry Christmas. Enjoy your time with loved ones and friends. My thoughts and love goes out to each and everyone of you. Happy holidays!
This guy is walling and has a speed hack on weapons. Same shit he was pulling when we went in to watch him. He needs a ban. I'll ban soon as I get on if no one else does it.
Rofl. Get a grip. You having a bad day is not a reason to come on the forums and act like a 2 yr old. The issue was
Handled without the need of a temper tantrum. Save the tough guy ramble for in game where it will be most relevant. I personally look forward to playing with you in our server...