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  1. Koshmenk

    Meme channel

    There are some rumors about Milei being 2nd cousin of the prime minister of Israel
  2. Koshmenk

    Meme channel

    Milei its a fucking clown and an american’s cock sucker, if he isnt saying “freedom” every 5 seconds he probably die. Bitch ass wig clown
  3. Koshmenk

    Meme channel

  4. Koshmenk

    Why Kosh likes Stawars so much

  5. Koshmenk

    Why Kosh likes Stawars so much

    Bro i didnt even know about that commercial, got to show this to one of my ex-alcoholic uncles lol
  6. Koshmenk

    Is smurfing allowed?

  7. Koshmenk

    Complaint Handled Complaint from Koshmenk about player Flying_Croissant

    Who are you reporting? Flying_Croissant Date of incident Feb 29, 2024 Which server were you on? bZ1 Describe the incident The guy was making damage and killing teammates the whole game, and at the end i start to recording… https://youtu.be/ELuUugPIrJM?si=iz39Arz2yaQdOUHn 1:24 Wasn’t do...
  8. Koshmenk

    Ground vs Attack Heli Kills

    Nice graphics after levolution bro, pretty skilled
  9. Koshmenk


    download it from uTorrent in any lenguage you want. ea.com
  10. Koshmenk

    DJGrouch vid

    No one can see the name of the blueberry until got killed, especially at 100mtrs far when the blue dorito disappears. Not choosing sides just telling my point…
  11. Koshmenk

    I'm bored

    Ye that was me lol
  12. Koshmenk

    I'm bored

    deaf nigga got me
  13. Koshmenk

    I'm bored

    Tarzan's first wet dream did not involve a human...
  14. Koshmenk

    GOD VS WW3

    What is this guy talking about?
  15. Koshmenk

    My Special Powers as a bZ member

    Damn scottishs they ruin Scotland
  16. Koshmenk

    How do yall feel about KD farmers that refuse Conquest mode?

    Competition is the key of fun, being in the same side is just stacking the team and making the match unpleasant for most of the players.
  17. Koshmenk

    Please reassess disperse on BZ1.

    Maybe if the command !assist could be more effective the server would be better balanced. For example the SWAP thing, many times I assist to the losing team but when the server is full sometimes I got swap with another high value player so balance doesnt work as it supposed to do. For the other...
  18. Koshmenk

    Since everyone else is doing it

    What do you use for editing?
  19. Koshmenk

    BZ1 should be a vehicle map server... Here is why

    Can you guys add Op.Whiteout more than 2 times in a week? Please
  20. Koshmenk

    BZ1 should be a vehicle map server... Here is why

    ¿? i’ve seen how US team rape RU team and is not strange, it 100% on the players that are playing, also i move between both teams to make it more balance (the other day i had to assist 2 times on both teams to end 0-20). Don’t blame the map when is all players fault to make the game unplayable...