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  1. UnoDosi

    wow we been Ddosed to hell and back

    Wow wow wow, i'm not here to suggest solutions. I am here to bitch about the problem! (In all honesty, I don't have a solution but I can imagine that if it was my servers getting attacked I would be having talks with my host about what options are available. Why am i here and continue to...
  2. UnoDosi

    wow we been Ddosed to hell and back

    I don't know who hosts for Banzore but being ddos'd/attacked is one thing. To have a hosting service that has no apparent, let alone adequate solution after over a month is just sad.
  3. UnoDosi

    In Memoriam

    But, in all honesty, with the population of BF4 getting as low as it is year after year would Banzore ever consider unbans after a year for people with "less than capital murder" breaches of the rules? Bans will still be perma but after 1 year an individual may make an appeal. hell have them...
  4. UnoDosi

    In Memoriam

  5. UnoDosi

    When will the crashing on BZ13 be fixed?

    Still crashing daily. Banzore?
  6. UnoDosi

    The Church of UCAV just dropped another video

    I find it funny that so many people despise the UCAV. Yes it is incredibly annoying for you and maybe a teammate or two to get killed but one person with a UCAV only launches maybe every 50-60 seconds. IN the scheme of things it, IMO, is less influential to the outcome of a match than say a MAV...
  7. UnoDosi

    Wtf is happening bz#6 crashes 3-5 times a day

    Yes, bz13 crashed around an hour ago and is pretty often. longest period without crashes is generally maybe 4 hours.
  8. UnoDosi

    Wtf is happening bz#6 crashes 3-5 times a day

    Any updates on fixing BZ6 or bz16 Banzore? I don't think we are seeing the "ddos queue" attacks but it is just continued crashing multiple times a day.
  9. UnoDosi

    Have Y'all Lost Your Fucking Minds??

    I feel like whatever position Banzore takes many of the random/non-member names here tend to take the exact opposite position
  10. UnoDosi

    Have Y'all Lost Your Fucking Minds??

    I mean i'm joking but that hurt my feelies.
  11. UnoDosi

    Have Y'all Lost Your Fucking Minds??

    In garfield I trust.
  12. UnoDosi

    Have Y'all Lost Your Fucking Minds??

    This thread has gone so far off topic that the original question presented is confirmed. We have in-fact lost our fucking minds. (And I love it. what else to be expected from a bunch of degenerates playing a 10+ year old game. )
  13. UnoDosi

    Discussion: What we all know

    This is a side point that I just want to hop in to add: knowing if there are spectators isn't hacker magic. it is shown in Battlelog. However, unless I am missing it somewhere it does NOT show WHO is spectating. That said, it is such an obscure piece of info with no meaningful use unless one...
  14. UnoDosi

    Wtf is happening bz#6 crashes 3-5 times a day

    This is why I have been pulling the alarm on servers crashing for about 2 weeks now. Repeated and consistent crashing is a very easy way to alienate a player base. I find it especially worrying in a already declining population game. (Banzore I promise I am not bitching to bitch, I enjoy your...
  15. UnoDosi

    Have Y'all Lost Your Fucking Minds??

    You are the one always thinking of me Sabretooth.
  16. UnoDosi

    Discussion: What we all know

    I feel like the anti-spectate bug is a very convenient bug to regularly to someone who may be hacking. What a coincidence that spectate wouldn't work on someone that needed to be spectated. (edit: I'm not saying he or any is or isn't but I've never even heard of that bug until now and I can...
  17. UnoDosi

    Have Y'all Lost Your Fucking Minds??

    Freedom of speech only applies to the government censoring your speech, a private entity is free to regulate what speech is allowable on their platform as desired. Law 101 bud. point reinforced.
  18. UnoDosi

    Have Y'all Lost Your Fucking Minds??

    God damn the stupid brigade really has come out on this post. can't wait for sabre to reply to this once again with the same reply. This thread reeks of denial, projection, and stupidity.