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    so... new battlefield announced

    what are yall thinking
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    recorded a nice match

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    more admins?

    when theres a real problem, complaints are warranted.
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    more admins?

    theres an appeal approved button? :eek:
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    more admins?

    Not saying this any kind of way but can we get another admin or two for this server? there's like 100 reports and appeals going back two weeks. it's completely understandable if the current admin team gets busy or just don't wanna go on the internet but shouldn't we just get another couple more...
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    Don't click this

    He that endureth to the end shall be saved. Matt 10:22
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from bogurndy about player THE-AMERICAN

    not ignored sorry looks like all reports arent being looked at rn
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from bogurndy about player THE-AMERICAN

    Who are you reporting? THE-AMERICAN Date of incident Aug 23, 2024 Which server were you on? bz1 Describe the incident saw dr grouch post which got ignored but the american attacks uncap in jets a lot. less than 5 seconds from spawn till death, no time to react...
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from bogurndy about player THE-AMERICAN

    Who are you reporting? THE-AMERICAN Date of incident Aug 22, 2024 Which server were you on? bz1 Describe the incident i've played a few matches against him in the jets and he seems extra good, the best jet pilot i've played against. I spectated him for just a little bit and to me his...