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  1. B

    Copperpin's report

    Who calls it the PCH? German tourists?? It’s called the 1!! If you bought it in “Crapital” - are you part of the dirty 5:30?
  2. B

    Copperpin's report

    Dude that’s awesome! Good for you. It’s a great story and I would brag that my car is famous.
  3. B

    Copperpin's report

    When the Romans converted to Christianity they started the first franchise.
  4. B

    Copperpin's report

    XC 60?
  5. B

    Copperpin's report

    I’m going to repair tool you to death
  6. B

    Copperpin's report

    Some of the research you posted wouldn’t let me access the full articles. However! I would recommend reading through the limitations of self administered / self reporting methods when you get the chance. All of your articles I have access too - do put a note on the limitations at the end of...
  7. B

    Copperpin's report

    In my neighborhood - someone has an air freshener hung from the rear view mirror and the print on the freshener says and I quote - “THIS AIR FRESHNER DIDNT HANG ITS SELF, JUST LIKE EPSTEIN”.
  8. B

    Copperpin's report

    This is /b now. Check em!
  9. B

    Copperpin's report

    This has thread kept me on my toes tonight. My 5 month old son is getting his first tooth and learned babies can get fevers beforehand. Been up all night reading updates. Can post pictures of baby dirty diapers to make everyone feel “more better”.
  10. B

    Copperpin's report

    I just realized that this thread stemmed from a discord post. Not a forum post. It took me a while thumbing through archived forum posts with no luck. Kinda like the moment you realize your birthday is the same day as you were born. Duhhhhh I found the Ocean, but where is the Sea?
  11. B

    Copperpin's report

    I’m on book 51 of the Horus Heresy. Gtfo here with that dune crap
  12. B

    Copperpin's report

    Let’s just eliminate gender all together - keep it simple male and female. That’s it. Everyone’s thoughts?
  13. B

    Engineers are the smartest people on the planet and Bill Nye's cock tastes like ice cream

    Are you suggesting that Engineers are not smart and Bill Nye’s dick reminds you of Bill Cosby flavor?
  14. B

    Frens, in here!

    But I’m 31
  15. B

    Frens, in here!

    If you are anxious often you are worried of future events. If you are depressed you are worried about the past. If you are in both of these categories - you are probably in sales
  16. B

    Shout-out to the Team Players

    Do you like Gin? Dis is purrty good
  17. B

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I shot some waterfowl yesterday and had that in addition with the normal Thanksgiving food.
  18. B

    Great News I haven't been unbanned...But

    I’ll bring my Xbox and we can split screen halo - NO screen hopping
  19. B

    Great News I haven't been unbanned...But

    Don’t get to Vegas. They do not have last calls.. learned the hard way.