Search results

  1. Punk

    Rush added to the 24/7 Metro/Locker/Pearl server

    At our latest meeting, a member discussed adding the "Rush" gamemode to the 24/7 Metro/Locker/Pearl server. We are open to doing this, but wanted to poll other members and the public on this issue. Would you like it if we went through with this? The maps on the server will be unchanged and only...
  2. Punk

    External Ban Ban Appeal: SHlTTENBULLETS

    Yeah, if it was an external ban then that's definitely a huge red flag and will need to be discussed.
  3. Punk

    External Ban Ban Appeal: SHlTTENBULLETS

    You are currently not listed on our banlist, can you explain what happened?
  4. Punk

    Requesting a conan forums section

    Can probably do that under our Other Games and Upcoming Titles section
  5. Punk

    Introducing Myself

    Skalber was the person who recommended her
  6. Punk


    There are plenty of other venues where you are able to create threads to quite literally shit post.
  7. Punk


    Neither of these two threads particularly need to exist.
  8. Punk

  9. Punk


    What do you want, a medal?
  10. Punk

    The Center server

    Hey all, If anyone's still interested in playing ARK, we have thrown up a server for the map The Center for everyone to play on. PVP's on, difficulty 5, and some things turned up (harvesting a little, taming a fair bit). Link to join is here:
  11. Punk

    Reputation score on server

    Or, the tiniest bit of self control can be exerted.
  12. Punk

    Shout Box

    What is a shoutbox?
  13. Punk

    Who IS you?

    Who IS you?
  14. Punk

    Conan Server

    God speed
  15. Punk

    Conan Server

    Yeah I see HD in the ARK channel all the time! He's around nothing "happened" to him.
  16. Punk

    Conan Server

    Seems promising, but in the same way that Rust was promising. Hopefully it's more of an ARK turnaround rather than a Rust one
  17. Punk

    Howdy guys...

  18. Punk

    Last one to post...WINS!

    to post
  19. Punk

    Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: satyroMOSSAD

    I'm afraid I don't understand your side of the story, can you please elaborate as to what occurred when you were banned?