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  1. odranoelzerep

    There the body is lying on the floor

    I will not facilitate it but it is a fact, it may happen.
  2. odranoelzerep

    There the body is lying on the floor

    I think he's gone, he doesn't move for 10 seconds and I can't seem to catch his breath. Perhaps, he is breathing in the bosom of his heavenly father. Anyway, I have a simple memory of that neck. Laughs!
  3. odranoelzerep

    BF4 Server Rules (2020)

    This behavior appears to be normal in prison.
  4. odranoelzerep

    Relationship between sleep and death

    The difference between sleep and death is that this soldier will not rise again, it is the end of the road. The cut was deep, with the hot breath on the nape of the neck and a strange desire to relax in a deep sleep. But, before his departure was consummated, he had that nice sex. After this act...
  5. odranoelzerep

    Look at the situation after the rape in the alley window

    Yummy sex in the window with the right cumshot in the face. The position seems to be that of those who couldn't take the bludgeon (laughs at will) The harnessed neck is the result of the blade that does not allow its firmness, the cut was deep ...
  6. odranoelzerep

    Cry BabyBeef - Thanatos (completely severed - he is gone)

    In times of crisis until the cuturnum we are taking Kkkkkkkkkkk
  7. odranoelzerep

    The best photo of ham

    He is gone after slut post... kkkkkkk
  8. odranoelzerep

    An appetizer that tastes good

    For all evil there is always a cure but for your own evil only Christ can heal you. Never leave a beacon next to me is too dangerous for your neck. Nick, i love you!
  9. odranoelzerep

    Cry BabyBeef - Thanatos (completely severed - he is gone)

    you are very funny Kkkkkkkkkk
  10. odranoelzerep

    The best photo of ham

  11. odranoelzerep

    Another ass that gives me pleasure

  12. odranoelzerep

    Another ass that gives me pleasure

    Looking from this angle, it seems that he is sleeping soundly, let this soul ascend to the Father. Grant the extreme anointing for this poor ham.
  13. odranoelzerep

    The best photo of ham

    What a beautiful thing, it seems harmless now .... laughs My Top rank with 32 strangulation and counting...
  14. odranoelzerep

    Cry BabyBeef - Thanatos (completely severed - he is gone)

    See with your own eyes and say what it looks like? It looks like a harmless soldier getting what he deserves, a nice stab in the neck and the delivery of his dogtag. It just doesn't get stabbed anymore because I have a mouse failure. There is more photo, but for now, enjoy and enjoy.
  15. odranoelzerep

    Is this love!

    you are the guy
  16. odranoelzerep

    Is this love!

    all right bro
  17. odranoelzerep

    Is this love!

    One way to say dirlling, i love you!
  18. odranoelzerep

    Present and Available

    Present and Available
  19. odranoelzerep

    Temp Ban Ban Appeal: odranoelzerep

    there is a certain exaggeration going on, a witch hunt, there is no reason for so much punishment, since everyone on the server knows me. Everyone knows that I like fun and I try to respect everyone. Perhaps the hurt is different. stabbing, that's the real reason. ;-)