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  1. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player steeel101

    Who are you reporting? steeel101 Date of incident Feb 26, 2025 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident Attacking uncap before i even take off
  2. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player MaxLonyBR

    Who are you reporting? MaxLonyBR Date of incident Feb 15, 2025 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident Stole our apc didn't want to give it back end of video around 2:40
  3. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player Ncognit0

    Who are you reporting? Ncognit0 Date of incident Dec 13, 2024 Which server were you on? #2 Describe the incident He killed me in our spawn before I even fired
  4. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player PerfectNumbers

    Who are you reporting? PerfectNumbers Date of incident Dec 12, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident Team dmg me. Also, chat was talking about it earlier, and I wasn't near spawn. But as soon as I get there, I see it.
  5. SquarePanties

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: LKSDgkGNDFNLKgdf

    In-game Name LKSDgkGNDFNLKgdf Have you cheated before? lol no What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I was gunning for gay Kosh, and apparently, I killed too many people too fast. KPM Why should we lift your ban? Because i didn't do anything wrong Kick reason (from...
  6. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player NWG_Silent

    Who are you reporting? NWG_Silent Date of incident Dec 11, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident Camping spawns with their transport heli before we even take off. None of my gunners shot at all; eventually, a side guy shot a rocket after taking dmg. And it killed us...
  7. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player JusticeForSom3 and Hunggglee

    Who are you reporting? JusticeForSom3 and Hunggglee Date of incident Dec 9, 2024 Which server were you on? #2 Describe the incident Camping our spawn when we have one flag and killing us without us shooting back. Justice...
  8. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player BaxWeLL1222

    Who are you reporting? BaxWeLL1222 Date of incident Oct 27, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident Tk for heli as soon i spawned in it.
  9. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player Obi_Won_Cannoli

    Who are you reporting? Obi_Won_Cannoli Date of incident Aug 7, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident Spawn camping spawn when i didn't shoot out or when they were all capped.
  10. SquarePanties

    Someone Mad at me LOOOL

    Well GROUCH is angry at me and is looking for any reason to get me banned lol. Guess we have to wait for kosh to come here and say we were just messing around. And yes kosh and i mess around all the time and tk each other. angry grouch looking for anything loooool.
  11. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player hubbaabuba

    Who are you reporting? hubbaabuba Date of incident Aug 24, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident Attacking me before i can even leave spawn. I wasn't expecting it and was going to land on the carrier and wait for Kosh, but I died before I could...
  12. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player CrimsonDirector

    Who are you reporting? CrimsonDirector Date of incident Aug 16, 2024 Which server were you on? 1 Describe the incident TK for no reason after I put him on the roof. Then he took the helicopter and privated his squad so no one could spawn on him. Then took the heli for the whole game and...
  13. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player VsMatoo and STAGG117

    Who are you reporting? VsMatoo and STAGG117 Date of incident Aug 9, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident tking for the heli. I just spawned on it, and this guy tked me. Around 30 seconds in the video it happens
  14. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player Xxokas

    Who are you reporting? Xxokas Date of incident Aug 6, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident He stole my tank when I was trying to rep it. end of video
  15. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player Slicknicklol

    Who are you reporting? Slicknicklol Date of incident Jul 27, 2024 Which server were you on? #1.5 Describe the incident He is constantly killing himself to grief our team and make us lose tickets.
  16. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player Serlosealot

    Who are you reporting? Serlosealot Date of incident Jul 20, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident Spawn trapping with fire before I could leave spawn. happens around 7:40 in video
  17. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player xlork4 and Ostap_OneTap

    Who are you reporting? xlork4 and Ostap_OneTap Date of incident Jul 14, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident Tking for the heli when i was just trying to gun. Starts at around 2:10
  18. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player amiclg

    Who are you reporting? amiclg Date of incident Jul 14, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident Shooting our Heli with a rocket for no reason and never saying sorry or why. End of video
  19. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player type2_beetus

    Who are you reporting? type2_beetus Date of incident Jul 7, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident Purposely baiting others so they get a filter violation.
  20. SquarePanties

    Complaint Handled Complaint from SquarePanties about player IsraelDancer8869

    Who are you reporting? IsraelDancer8869 Date of incident Jun 16, 2024 Which server were you on? #1 Describe the incident He constantly team-damages me and also joins my squad to take the lead and kick me. I'm pretty sure he's a donator. He says he had multiple accounts, so he goes to a...