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  1. M

    Complaint Handled Complaint from MemeDaddy66699 about player EVOChi CCPVIRUS96

    Who are you reporting? EVOChi CCPVIRUS96 Date of incident Oct 20, 2022 Which server were you on? Rush hardcore Describe the incident Team killing, N word saying. https://streamable.com/a07yav https://streamable.com/si1l6o https://streamable.com/tu8ra3
  2. M

    Temp Ban Ban Appeal: MemeDaddy66699

    In-game Name MemeDaddy66699 Have you cheated before? No im a good boy What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I said nigga in squad chat, all members were my boiiz. Why should we lift your ban? Im a good noodle, i dont feel saying nigga should land me a perma chat ban...