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  1. FishyForest

    Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: FishyForrest

    Also to add, compare the times/dates the messages are sent. For the exception of a few games played together, the times are inconsistent with one another. I can even provide examples from the public chat log as well.
  2. FishyForest

    Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: FishyForrest

    First of all, I play with Rygan, that is not my account. You can look at the IP’s the two accounts connect from, and they are completely different. If you also look at the two accounts on EA, you’ll notice they have completely different profile information. I see what you tried doing there, but...
  3. FishyForest

    Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: FishyForrest

    In-game Name FishyForrest Have you cheated before? No. What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? - First, I will ask that this appeal be handled by Swag, who is a very fair admin and refrains from the use of bias and prejudice, which was a key factor at play during this...
  4. FishyForest

    Temp Ban Ban Appeal: FishyForrest

    Yes sir. I appreciate your time & efforts. Are you able to check if I also have bans on other Banzore servers?
  5. FishyForest

    Temp Ban Ban Appeal: FishyForrest

    In-game Name FishyForrest Have you cheated before? No What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I have a younger sibling who uses my origin account to play BF4 and started playing some servers I had favorited in-game. This includes Banzore hardcore & other TBG clan servers...