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  1. T

    Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: thatstonychen

    Hi, I am kind confuse here. So, you need me to provide video eveidence for that game or I need to stream my game play to you. If you need me to provide the gameplay for that game, I didn’t record it, I think the guy banned me may have. (If he doesn’t have, than why he banned me?)
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    Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: thatstonychen

    In-game Name thatstonychen What game were you banned from? thatstonychen Date of ban Sep 13, 2018 Have you cheated before? no What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I got banned cause I have a low-level account with a 4.0 K/D for that single game. Why should we...
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    Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: 1bombers1

    well. I just saw that. He said, "it was questionable, and saw some odd shots." It is about a year ago, sorry for me to forget what was happened on that day. I appreciate you can replay my ban appeal this quick. If you can unban me, it will be better. Thanks.
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    Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: 1bombers1

    In-game Name 1bombers1 What game were you banned from? battlefield 4 Date of ban Sep 8, 2017 Have you cheated before? no What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? it is about a year from now. Recently, I played a couple of Battlefield 1 games and waiting for...