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  1. eat5

    dorito problem

    there apprently is a dorito hack going on.... people disabling it so other team thinks they are on their side. causing TK's....
  2. eat5

    Death Shield

  3. eat5

    The Young Ones

    when i was in highschool it was Headbangersball and this on MTV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP-fLBADJUM
  4. eat5

    Random Time Wasteage .

    some of my stuff... Graphic Designer by Trade... http://werk71.deviantart.com/gallery/ old cod4 downloads http://gamebanana.com/members/410715
  5. eat5

    Cloak and Daggar

  6. eat5

    Hi All!

    Old gamer freak here saying Howdt From Texas!
  7. eat5

    Awesome servers

    i really like your servers and squad. Good Job!!!!