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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Temp Ban Ban Appeal: CaptainCarnage1

In-game Name CaptainCarnage1

Have you cheated before? never

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? Authority abuse. For disagreeing with swag he asked me to stop placing mines near uncap. uncap to me and the rest of the world is the red zone you cannot enter that is defined by the game design. Whatever fine we disagree. I didn't place any mines the rest of the round, anywhere. 10 15 minutes into the next map I get banned I have done nothing wrong. nothing and I'm banned WTF.

Why should we lift your ban? Authority abuse Disagreement with admin is against the rules? What are we in China?

Kick reason (from Battlelog)

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
I don't abuse my authority, I enforce the rules equally and expect them to be followed by all of our players.
Evidence was submitted and then promptly reviewed. My apologies it took 10-15 minutes, I'll try my best to be quicker next time.

We do not allow players to attack uncap. This includes placing mines in or near uncap. It shouldn't be very difficult to understand why we don't allow players to attack uncap and what uncap entails.
While you are correct the mines weren't inside uncap, you were just a few feet (1 second) outside of the red zone.


We are not in china. Please keep politics out of this.

Please thoroughly review our rules whilst you wait for your 2D temporary ban to expire. Subsequent bans will be much longer in length.
If you have any additional questions or complaints, don't hesitate to ask or voice them here.
