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Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: FishyForrest

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In-game Name FishyForrest

Have you cheated before? No.

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? - First, I will ask that this appeal be handled by Swag, who is a very fair admin and refrains from the use of bias and prejudice, which was a key factor at play during this entire clusterfuck. It should be noted that Mobius mentioned in the channel as well that Swag would be handling this, which is great.

- Since yesterday evening, I made a couple of complaints in the #admin-help chat on the Banzore Discord channel about the actions of NairCream, who was muting multiple people yesterday in-game for simply talking shit back to him (either he would start the disrespect or say something slick), or even when other unintelligent players would claim he was hacking (which he wasn't hacking at all, I easily outfragged him in the game after, gg ez: https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/1606147579921661056/1863017375/)

- Upon talking with other members/staff of bZ, the attention and scrutiny quickly turned onto me, instead of recognizing or even condemning his actions at all. Instead, the attention was drawn to things I've said over a period of time that I was already punished for. Instead of respectful or even productive conversation taking place when I scrutinize an admin's actions to the slightest degree, I get called a retard and receive a ban for past messages lol. This entire time, the whole community watches and understands that anyone who dares speaks out on a member or staff's actions here will be subject to the same treatment I received, which is to have bZ affiliates randomly dig up the past and send negative shit my way like fucking Gisele did to Tom Brady. If I am to have swift punishment brought my way with no chance to dispute it before it happens, I expect equality in the sense that a staff member, who stepped out of line, is also subject to this same research and punishment that I am. It isn't just me, other notable players could vouch for Nair's actions as well. Funny enough, if I hadn't said anything and let his bullshit slide, I would still be playing as of right now. And that's the unfortunate message that got put out to the community: If you scrutinize us, you get fucked (banned). If you get beat into submission (by not dare say anything criticizing to us at all) by allowing our members/staff to act like assholes, you won't get fucked (muted, kicked, banned, or whatever the fuck else Nair has access to).

-If you would like a reference, look in that specific Discord channel for everything that was said. For context, please note that multiple screenshots/messages were deleted. If bias isn't to be used in this appeal, make sure audit logs in Discord are also looked at as well.

Why should we lift your ban? - Respect & professionalism is a two-way street, and I will apologize to anyone I may have disrespected or caused any sort of grievance to. But I don't think special attention, especially negative attention, should be brought upon an individual for scrutinizing the actions of bZ members and staff. I have said awful things because awful shit gets said to me. No, it isn't right, but "toxicity" from me shouldn't be more of a priority for punishment than toxicity from others, especially when I'm criticizing the actions of an admin on bZ for muting and indirectly forcing people to leave the game if they continue to talk despite being antagonized. Not to mention, the logs of chat that were largely, and I quote largely, referenced to were chats that I have already been punished for.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Was not kicked, I was banned in the #admin-help Discord channel by Rogaine.

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes


Christmas man
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Thank you for reaching out!
I can appreciate your request to have a specific moderator/admin speak to your individual appeal; however, the staff that we have share the same sentiments most of the time. You can be rest assured that our team discusses and makes decisions mutually.
That being said, I took a good look at yourself and your account.
You have played on our servers since November this year on two accounts and both of them are nothing but toxic shit posting. The account you are appealing currently has 54 pages of chat logs of nothing but garbage. No need to share them all, its public, but here is your first messages on your fishyforrest account:

And here is the messages on your Ryganlavalamp account:

I can see that your first got hit with the permanent mute through a plugin that we run, and subsequently can see that you use the account you are appealing currently is also under the same penalties. However, plugin or not, you are the type of player that drives off communities, opposite of what you claim in that your being muted for being a toxic individual drives off a player base.

This appeal has been discussed and is denied. Any subsequent accounts that you make will also be removed.
Thank you for playing.
First of all, I play with Rygan, that is not my account. You can look at the IP’s the two accounts connect from, and they are completely different. If you also look at the two accounts on EA, you’ll notice they have completely different profile information. I see what you tried doing there, but it’s not valid. Looking at the messages, do they even seem remotely similar grammar wise?

Second, I was told here that Swag would be handling my appeal, not you. I appreciate your efforts to look into this but I would ask that this gets a bit more than just a sweep under the rug. Because I might’ve upset a staff member’s feelings by questioning their actions. If so, I apologize for doing so.

Also to add, compare the times/dates the messages are sent. For the exception of a few games played together, the times are inconsistent with one another. I can even provide examples from the public chat log as well.


Christmas man
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Nothing is swept under the rug. Your appeal is simply denied. Swag has even viewed this appeal and would've interjected if I was doing something that he didn't agree with.
I say again


Merry Christmas to you and yours! Take care.
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