• Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

External Ban Ban Appeal: liyifennec

In-game Name liyifennec

Have you cheated before? No

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I was using a Reshade preset I downloaded from a Youtuber that contained a crosshair overlay. At the time I wasn't aware that a crosshair overlay was considered a cheat. I just preferred it to the crosshair changing sizes constantly and trusted the Youtuber (stupidly) that the crosshair was okay to use. I was surprised when I got banned after a while of playing using the overlay, but I can only assume that the ban was for that.

Why should we lift your ban? I understand what I did wrong, and can agree to not use crosshair overlays or Reshade in general when playing on these servers. The ban happened months ago, I stopped playing after it happened, and only realised that it has persisted when I attempted to join one of the servers today. I honestly didn't expect it to be permanent for such an infraction, without any prior warning. I would appreciate a second chance.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Kicked by admin.

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
You currently have an active Punkbuster ban with AntiCheat Inc. (ACI). You will need to successfully appeal your ban with them before you can rejoin our servers again.
Not all servers run ACI, but we do.
I recall I might have already tried ACI and didn't receive a response for a prolonged period, so I stopped checking. I'll try with them again, thank you.
You can probably go ahead and lock this thread. Everybody I've tried to speak to isn't willing to listen or approve an appeal. I'm accepting that my account is useless now. Thanks anyway.