In-game Name liyifennec
Have you cheated before? No
What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I was using a Reshade preset I downloaded from a Youtuber that contained a crosshair overlay. At the time I wasn't aware that a crosshair overlay was considered a cheat. I just preferred it to the crosshair changing sizes constantly and trusted the Youtuber (stupidly) that the crosshair was okay to use. I was surprised when I got banned after a while of playing using the overlay, but I can only assume that the ban was for that.
Why should we lift your ban? I understand what I did wrong, and can agree to not use crosshair overlays or Reshade in general when playing on these servers. The ban happened months ago, I stopped playing after it happened, and only realised that it has persisted when I attempted to join one of the servers today. I honestly didn't expect it to be permanent for such an infraction, without any prior warning. I would appreciate a second chance.
Kick reason (from Battlelog) Kicked by admin.
I have checked and verified that I am not banned at Yes
I have checked and verified that I am not banned at Yes