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Temp Ban Ban Appeal: PlayerUnnKnown

In-game Name PlayerUnnKnown

Have you cheated before? no

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? Filter Evasion

Why should we lift your ban? I did not try to bypass the automatic filters.

My friends and I are cosplayers who attend gaming conventions, and wear colorful wigs as part of our costumes. One of our gaming clan members from Australia, who does not cosplay, jokingly refers to us as the "Whiggers" because of the wigs we wear.

I did not know this was a bad-word and did not use it in chat to try to bypass the automatic filters.

After being banned, I reviewed Rule #3: "No Racism – Don't be a racist and don't try to bypass the automatic filters."

A. I did not attempt to bypass the filters.
B. I was not using the term with any racist intent.

If the term is deemed offensive, I apologize and will avoid using it in the future.

However, outside of my clan I've never heard anyone else use this phrase, so respectfully can you please provide clarification on which race is being discriminated against?

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Filter Evasion

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
I hate to tell you but I don't believe your side of the story one bit. Your chat logs contradict everything you said above.

Screenshot 2025-02-24 182200.png
Screenshot 2025-02-24 182311.png
Screenshot 2025-02-24 182419.png

You did in fact bypass our chat filter many times, and it's clear that the term being used was utilized with racial intent. I also found some political bait in the chat as well. I'm not going to sit here and explain to you what you did. The evidence is right there, and we both know you're guilty of racial filter evasion.

You will serve a 7 day temp ban, and subsequent reports or automatic server punishments will result in a permanent ban. Given that you haven't had the best record with us lately and a previous uncap incident against me, I strongly encourage you to review our rules.

Rules: https://banzore.com/forums/threads/bf4-server-rules-2020.6732/