• Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Not Banned Ban Appeal: SoYoCharlie

In-game Name SoYoCharlie

Have you cheated before? no

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I entered the game and was kicked out

Why should we lift your ban? Because I play without cheats and I really like Battlefield.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Game disconnected: You were kicked from the game

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
You don't have any bans on record. Please join one of our servers using Battlelog to get a more detailed kick message to see why you are being kicked from the game.

Make sure you have the EA app open, the game closed, and logged into Battlelog. You can use the link above to join one of our servers. Once kicked from the server, you'll see a detailed kick message in your web browser in the red banner at the bottom of your screen explaining the reason for the kick.
No tienes ningún baneo registrado. Únete a uno de nuestros servidores usando Battlelog para recibir un mensaje de expulsión más detallado y ver por qué te expulsaron del juego.

Asegúrate de tener la aplicación de EA abierta, el juego cerrado y haber iniciado sesión en Battlelog. Puedes usar el enlace de arriba para unirte a uno de nuestros servidores. Una vez expulsado del servidor, verás un mensaje detallado en tu navegador web (el banner rojo en la parte inferior de la pantalla) explicando el motivo de la expulsión.
Juego desconectado: Un administrador te baneó. Motivo: Desactiva la VPN y vuelve a conectarte.
So first off it's truly not a ban. You're simply being kicked from the server.

Due to the fact that you're attempting to connect to the server using a VPN, that is why you're being kicked. We don't permit the use of VPNs on our server unless if you donate.