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Temp Ban Ban Appeal: SSayouri

In-game Name SSayouri

Have you cheated before? No

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? Another player and I spawned in a vehicle in the uncap at the same time. Player was sitting in uncap with a vehicle (BTR) not leaving also known as griefing... I was in the gunner seat waiting for the player to leave the uncap. Eventually enemies started to get closer to the Uncap and I started to shoot at them. They returned fire. Some infantry hid behind some rocks and rocketed us damaging the vehicle. I get out multiple times to repair. Note that the player could have left spawn but chose not to. The infantry focused us and even started to try and Jet ram since we wouldn't leave spawn. Fed up with the situation when the player jumped out to repair the vehicle I took the BTR out of uncap as the round ended and killed the few infantry behind the rock. I was gonna return the BTR but go into a yelling(typing) match over him sitting in uncap. Proceeded for the round to end.

Why should we lift your ban? Honestly, I just want the ban lifted for reputations sake. Having the ban on record obviously isn't good. As wanting to apply to Banzore to be a member.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Intentional Vehicle Theft

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
Your current temporary ban will expire in 17 hours for intentionally stealing a vehicle from a teammate. If you catch someone in violation of our rules, please report them here instead of taking matters into your own hands.
In this instance, the only player who violated our rules was you. The driver was actively using the vehicle while near to their own uncap.

Please review our rules whilst you wait for your temporary ban to expire. Subsequent bans will be much longer in length.
