In-game Name ThundercatSnax
Have you cheated before? Nope
What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I was meming. Cross mapping into enemy uncap with Dao-12 using slugs. I ended up actually hitting someone with a headshot and it killed him. He reported me. I am now banned. I did technically break the rules. But I didn't mean to hit anyone, was just messing around. I could never ever hit that shot if I TRIED. For reference, the map was Siege of Shanghai and I landed the shot on the US uncap from the top of C, once again, using a terrible shotgun with slug rounds.
Why should we lift your ban? I did break the rules, but never intended on exploiting my position. I was just messing around and someone happened to get killed because of it. I'll understand if the ban is enforced despite my appeal, but I do enjoy playing on your servers and would like to continue if that's possible. If nothing else, at least, I tried! Anyway, thank you for your time.
Kick reason (from Battlelog) I don't think this has anything to do with my ban, but this is what battlelog tells me: Could not launch game. Please make sure it's installed correctly.
I have checked and verified that I am not banned at Yes
I have checked and verified that I am not banned at Yes