In-game Name upinthyguts
Have you cheated before? no
What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? i was being farmed in my uncap by fluffmuffin from tv guide several times, he denies it and trolled me the entire game, along with dad e razz, who would get in my gunner seat and get out when we would engage fluff in order to greif me. i dont record my games but this is what happened, you can follow the chat log along if you'd like. it confirms my story.
though i was banned, because all the evidence fluff posted was videos AFTER he did what i reported him for. so the videos just showed him hovering behind a building. its false evidence he cherry picked, obviously. he showed you later videos, then showed a video of him waiting in uncap for me, baiting me to come get him in chat, he was wasting the heli, not moving until i killed him. that isnt allowed if i remember correctly? it has been reported before and gotten players punished.
again, all this was on video. he videoed himself in the spawn, sitting in the heli, looking around for me. he was there for quite some time. until i got him. its obvious, by his own videos, it shows he is at fault through trolling
Why should we lift your ban? im being unfairly reported
Kick reason (from Battlelog) uncap kill
I have checked and verified that I am not banned at Yes
I have checked and verified that I am not banned at Yes