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Bz1 and Bz1.5

No, I'm naturally an asshole. Living a life with brain damage and a violent abusive ex spouse makes me such a wonderful person to be around. The alcohol just helps me express it instead of bottling it up inside. So I'll drink to that, and hope you can learn from me!
That's not exactly how alcohol works and I have my issues too.
"I'm naturally an asshole" basically translates to "I'm a narcissist that everyone should accept", but that doesn't mean you have to "follow" your nature.
I do hope you heal. I had a cheating spouse that wrecked my life, so I do understand pain.
That's not exactly how alcohol works and I have my issues too.
"I'm naturally an asshole" basically translates to "I'm a narcissist that everyone should accept", but that doesn't mean you have to "follow" your nature.
I do hope you heal. I had a cheating spouse that wrecked my life, so I do understand pain.
I've never once expected people to like the way I am. I've accepted long ago that a lot of people don't like the way I behave and I don't like the way most of humanity behaves, and it doesn't really matter. I'll take being called out on my own shit and I'll call other people out on theirs.

What do you mean that's not alcohol works? Are you saying people are not who they are when they're drunk? Because what I was trying to say was I am exactly who I am when I'm drinking and being me instead of shelling up inside. Anyone that blames drinking for being a dick is lying to themselves and everyone else. You confuse me.

But yeah, I'm sorry you've dealt with similar life situations :( I've slowly been getting better since she left our kids and I. Some people have no idea how life destroying a true toxic relationship can be, and kids/marriage just makes it harder. That's why I play video games instead of socializing with real people lol