bz13 map rotation

I wanted to know if there was a possibility of putting more DLC maps like before in the map rotation since it has only been with the vanilla BTF4 maps for a while, thank you very much in advance.
I wanted to know if there was a possibility of putting more DLC maps like before in the map rotation since it has only been with the vanilla BTF4 maps for a while, thank you very much in advance.
Yup, we need more Market and less Hainan Resort.
Our main server manager has been busy IRL, so it's possible that he hasn't had the opportunity to get around to this. I will bring it up to them again to verify that DLC maps have been added back into the map votes and rotation.
Try asking on the Discord about it. Basically, from what I heard, DLC maps tends to be disabled at specific times of the day because not everyone has BF4 Premium, and disabling these dlc maps allows for more people online during these low population times.
Again, that's what I heard, please ask about the mods/admins on Discord to say if I'm right or wrong.