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BZ2 hardcore inf only appreciation thread


-bZ- Member
Well that's not limited to hardcore. We see that everyday before 2:00 p.m. pst on normal.

No, you misunderstand. The utterly nerfed weapons on normal are utterly unreal and frustrating.

In HC you can shoot someone in the arm with the .50 and they die. Just like in real life.

The AA is still nerfed a bit in HC when used on infantry but not as bad as in normal.
depends on what you call skill? In hardcore you can turn a corner meet 3-4 enemy infantry in your face, and come out the winner dropping all 4. If your skilled. That don't happen much in normal mode. I will grant you that in normal mode it takes more "skill" if you will, to out shoot someone. Same as hardcore for that matter. Like longtrang said, in normal mode to drop someone (s) it takes just too long. (long being comparative to;) I'd rather be the first to shoot, the first to drop someone. Really its what you like better. Normal mode, I feel is kinda dumb, in contrast to hard core. But again, just opinion, and more than likely means nothing to you. And thats ok :)
It's more about the weapon kill percentage. Which on hardcore is 70% vs 100. It's not about skill.
>be me
>play normal mode on BF4
>no need to aim cuz no team damage
>automatically heal after getting shot so no need to carry medkit or play with a squad or use teamwork at all
>vehicles auto-heal so just hide for 20 seconds every time after taking damage
>little map tells me where all the bad guys are
>little dorito on screen shows me where the bad guys are
>no need to use ears, eyes or brain
>go on the internet and brag about being good at game


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
The dorito is unironically the primary reason I don’t prefer core lmfao. I perform the same in either mode but holy fuck do I hate 3d spotting so much.