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Complaint Handled Complaint from 2452jngh about player gamopyhte

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Who are you reporting? gamopyhte

Date of incident Jan 31, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ 1.5

Describe the incident BSS Gamophyte has had an issue with me ever since I was able to out manuver the BSS squad in metro.

In this game, BSS and another player were complaing about my chopper skills after the chopper has hit and went down and I bailed. After I landed, the player Ian_G_Monty blatantly tk'ed me after we landed because he was unhappy at my piloting skills.

After that point, B was being taken and I mistakenly thought a player was an enemy since there was no tag. I apologized.

I think BSS is just insecure a level 68 was able to clown his squad of 140s
I am a clean player the BSS squad always seems to go after me. I am courteous an apologize for all tks, my tk record is likely in-line with everyone else


-bZ- Member
The issue with your reasoning here is that not only did you mistakenly shoot this person once but you paused and continued doing so until they died. Then you immediately fired upon your friendly transport chopper.

As for your drama with another squad/platoon, that's irrelevant. Regardless of what you think they think or vice versa, without video it's hearsay. We only issue punishments if video captures a violation.
Hi Panda, I did not see his tag and assumed he was still an enemy because no tag appeared after I shot the first few shots. I apologize. My shot at the helicopter was unserious and I knew it would miss, but it was wrong.

Gamophyte is continually celebrates whenever he gets me, but when I get him back he accuses me of hacking, aim-botting, and threatens me with getting banned.

The accusation of aim-botting and hacking is totally false, a sore loser tactic to pull whenever he is losing.

After he couldn't keep up with me in the match, he threatened me with getting banned. Seems he can't stand on bidness.


-bZ- Member
Hi Panda, I did not see his tag and assumed he was still an enemy because no tag appeared after I shot the first few shots. I apologize. My shot at the helicopter was unserious and I knew it would miss, but it was wrong.

Gamophyte is continually celebrates whenever he gets me, but when I get him back he accuses me of hacking, aim-botting, and threatens me with getting banned.

The accusation of aim-botting and hacking is totally false, a sore loser tactic to pull whenever he is losing.

After he couldn't keep up with me in the match, he threatened me with getting banned. Seems he can't stand on bidness.
Well shooting at your team as a joke is not recommended either. Even if just one shot hit, it's classified as team griefing.

As for their threats of getting you banned for cheating or whatnot, they'll still need video proof for us to review before anything like that were to happen. If you're a legit player, then don't worry about it. No cheating ban will come about for a legit player.
Thank you

I understand the ban but would like to appeal if possible. The no tag tk was entirely an accident, I apologized and the guy had no problem with it, gamophyte seems to make it his mission to get me banned everytime he loses to me, and constantly reports me and harasses me in the game chat when he loses, does not seem like a polite thing to do.
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