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Complaint from Angry_Cuban13 about player 1-RandR-1


Daddy McDick
In-game Name 1-RandR-1

Date of incident Yesterday

What game were you playing? Battlefield 4

Which server were you on? MIg #9

Describe the incident In-Game Name: 1-Randr-1

Banned From Server: Server 9

Duration of the Ban: Permanent

Reason Given when Banned: Active Punkbuster Ban for CoD World at War

Extra Details: So this guy right here blows reports up almost everyday from 1-3 reports for "cheating", it got to the point where I didn't even bother checking out the players that he reported. Most of the time all of this reports have led me nowhere and have wasted my time. I decided to look into this guy and surprise, he has a Punkbuster Ban for CoD World at War dating back to 2009. I was able to confirm it because smarty pants decided to use the same name with the same format. Images below show my findings. I figured he would jump ship and come to you.


