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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint from Angry_Cuban13 about player Angry_Cuban13


Daddy McDick
In-game Name Angry_Cuban13

Date of incident Yesterday

What game were you playing? Battlefield 4

Which server were you on? Murder Inc Gaming Server 5

Describe the incident *HACKER REPORT*

Player Name: I_Lucif3R_I

24/7 FairPlay Stats: https://www.247fairplay.com/CheatDetector/I_Lucif3R_I

Reason: 72% DAMAGE PER SHOT (DPS) with FN57. Literally one shot kill with a pistol that has a max damage of 22.

I figured y'all might be interested because this player has over 1.4k hours of play time.

I'm sorry if this isn't the right section to post. I figured only admins need to know who's getting the boot!



Daddy McDick
I know this isn't from your server, however I told Jackson I'd let him know if any possible cheaters might jump from MIg servers to bZ.

Just trying to help each other our :)


-bZ- Member
Fkn angry that's funny, yeah punk he giving us the heads up bro!


-bZ- Member
I misunderstood! I thought he was sending us a complaint about some guy and I'm like "This isn't even our server. lol"