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Complaint Handled Complaint from Dad_E_RaZz about player FENIX400-CHILE


-bZ- Member
Without providing the context of the jets around your base or the chat in your video, you can see why it can be interpreted as baiting. You say to check the chat after Swag’s response but there was no indication of jets in your clipped evidence. So one can hardly assume it would be obvious to look at the chat in relation to where you started your footage.

To the unaware viewer, they can’t tell from your video alone that jets were recently present there. It looks like you’re just sitting in spawn, waiting to be shot at.

That being said you’re not being warned or punished but please try to see it from a neutral perspective, of one who has no idea of the prior events. We’re on the same team here, it’s just that the start of your footage was unclear.


Without providing the context of the jets around your base or the chat in your video, you can see why it can be interpreted as baiting. You say to check the chat after Swag’s response but there was no indication of jets in your clipped evidence. So one can hardly assume it would be obvious to look at the chat in relation to where you started your footage.

To the unaware viewer, they can’t tell from your video alone that jets were recently present there. It looks like you’re just sitting in spawn, waiting to be shot at.

That being said you’re not being warned or punished but please try to see it from a neutral perspective, of one who has no idea of the prior events. We’re on the same team here, it’s just that the start of your footage was unclear.
I understand what your saying, but I don't like being accused of something I was NOT doing. I have all the footage showing the jets around and near the carrier and a squad mate stating he could not leave the carrier. I will try to upload tomorrow if I have time outside of work.


ps. Swag, maybe you could have asked for additional footage for context instead of doubling down on the baiting accusation after I tried to give some context in my reply.
Regardless of the additional evidence, that player would not be punished for this.

Thanks for the report but it isn't sufficient. Now you know for next time, if you choose to report for violations you see ingame.