• Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from Dad_E_RaZz about player Katz9003, fearless2704, ThundercatSnax, dafidge

Who are you reporting? Katz9003, fearless2704, ThundercatSnax, dafidge

Date of incident Jan 30, 2025

Which server were you on? BZ1.5

Describe the incident Attacking uncap, unprovoked.

Fearless: 5 times on me alone, not sure about others.
Katz9003: 2 times, only one in clip as I started recording after the 1st.
ThundercatSnax: 1 time along with reporting system abuse.
dafidge: 1 time on me, as well as some on other players.
Punish points have been issued to Katz9003 and dafidge.

Fearless2704 will be receiving a 7 day ban for the excessive amount of uncap kills.

ThundercatSnax will be receiving a permanent ban for now with the option to appeal. They have a prior record and have never appealed a ban before, so I'd at least like to give them the chance and have a conversation with them about the rules and what's at stake.