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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from DrKrink about player V1r00z

Who are you reporting? V1r00z

Date of incident Apr 4, 2022

Which server were you on? bz9

Describe the incident while I was in a btr V1r00z hit me a couple of times first with an rpg and then with a plane trying to kill me because him and his squadmate wanted the vehicle for themselves. After dieing they got the vehicle and they bullied another player into getting out of the vehicle because he was sitting gunner. (you can see that in the chat after I die).
Also he made fun pf me reporting this in the forum saying "you're confident on the server". I actually am because it's the most chill I ever played and now I play only here.

Honestly I forgot about reporting this the other night but then I saw him the next day doing the same stuff to another player so I made sure to report him.


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