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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from gamophyte about player 2452jngh


Who are you reporting? 2452jngh

Date of incident Jan 28, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ 1.5

Describe the incident Was spectating someone else and then I saw chat complaints about 2452jngh. This person has TK'd all of BSS from time to time, but never got a good clip, just aftermath, or it could of looked like an accident. But of course what follows is a lot of shit talking.

Now at least I can catch it first person https://youtu.be/C9ne2cZtpCU

It looks like they have an issue with doing this here already, everyone's over it.




Never accused of hacking, I chatted that I can't be sure of him if he doesn't care about the rules. And when did I do this? When he was gloating about his KD. So now they come here and lie to mod/admin.

I only know of this player from the time they went on a TK spree of BSS. They do it to others as well. It's hard for me not to take some glee in the complaint finally getting handled. This is a serial offender, and will continue to do it, and talk shit while they do it. Now they're in the link above making it personal, like they did in BZ2 chat. I will defend myself in chat again't such nonsense.


If I am doing all this to "get" him, why have I not posted this for months? I had the video from above from Z-Steel for a long time. This person is off.


3 days temps for repeaters seems silly
Multiple factors are taken into account for tempban lengths. Even if this may not be their first case, time between infractions, if infractions have expired from clean play and general player behavior are just some of the factors we consider before issuing punishments.

As for your accusations, regardless if you did or didn't as i've heard both sides now, it doesn't matter. As I mentioned on their complaint, if there's no proof, nothing happens.


Yeah they do it every once in a while, I've not had the chance to catch it first hand, just finally did. Others have complained but always says "whoops" "oh dang", no one can catch in the moment. But even in this video you can see them go on a short spree including trying to down a Friendly transport helicopter in the video above.

But anyway, I will continue to protect the people and the server. Regardless of this person and how much they pretend it's some weird connection we have to them.



I want to be sure to log that this is the same person and per my prediction, they just keep tking.
