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Complaint Handled Complaint from gamophyte about player ofb2E2bYSw



Who are you reporting? ofb2E2bYSw

Date of incident Feb 21, 2025

Which server were you on? BZ 1.5

Describe the incident I know you guys only like first person video but this is so Obviously a hack, every single kill is killed. Seems like old school aims.

Just go there now he's still there.


For cheating reports we generally prefer spectator footage and not your gameplay of being killed by a suspected cheater. However, in this situation they did get an automatic cheating ban from the server and their stats couldn't get anymore obvious of this. Your footage does show obvious signs of cheating as well, so in this case it is acceptable.

There is an active report over at Battlefield Agency so they will be gone from most BF4 servers, and there's likely a BF4DB ban to follow soon after.