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Complaint Handled Complaint from HangItFire about player Ricqrdo and TommyzNutz

Who are you reporting? Ricqrdo and TommyzNutz

Date of incident Mar 9, 2025

Which server were you on? BZ Hardcore maps

Describe the incident I spawned on the tank first and waited for my brother to come get in my gunner seat. Ricqrdo intentionally runs infront of my tank so I teamkill him and he has his friend tommy report me for "intentionally teamkilling" I asked tommy to get out repeatedly so my brother can spawn in and he said no. So I drive off and then his friend ricqrdo tries to teamkill me with C4.


A 1 day temp ban has been issued to Ricqrdo, and a punish point has been issued to you for wasting team assets/team griefing.

If the vehicle is a fresh spawn and a player spawns on it, the first occupants have the right to stay in the vehicle regardless of who the driver wants as a gunner, and vice versa. You are not allowed to dictate who the gunner/driver should be. If either occupant refuses to give up the seat for someone else in this scenario, then that is their choice. Sitting in spawn with the vehicles or attempting to teamkill someone who refuses to get out in retaliation is punishable.