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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from JTF2 about player DOCTORMINDA (in game) but PETALOBILL on Battlelog

Who are you reporting? DOCTORMINDA (in game) but PETALOBILL on Battlelog

Date of incident Jun 8, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ #1

Describe the incident Constant headshots and amazing accuracy. Any idea how he kills me in this video as I'm behind a hill.....?
He snapped over to people constantly and instant head shots regardless of weapon or vehicle.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Not seeing any accounts named DOCTORMINDA, but the PETAL account is banned on BA and BF4DB. Wonder if the anticheat plugins were temporarily down or something. Please let us know if you see this player in again, thanks.
